December – A month to Care and give Kindness.
Samfés, the national association of community and youth centers, TUFF Ísland (Kind20) part of the global charity and Tvær Grímur have joined forces to send a message of caring and kindness to all.
A Kindness & Care booklet has been created with a variety of fun ideas and projects that people of all ages, families and friends can take part in together.
We want to add and increase quality time for family and friends and give people fun ideas for projects that promote togetherness.
Especially now in these times when conditions are so different from what we are used to, when it can be difficult to maintain Christmas traditions due to this pandemic.
We are particularly concerned about the support needed by our young people, for their well-being and mental state. Therefore, we believe it is essential we join hands, unite our forces and participate in this borderless project where the emphasis is on caring, kindness and togetherness.
We are sending you a message of care and kindness to all the people and we hope that increased togetherness will bring the true festive spirit into our homes and our country.
The care booklet is available in Icelandic and English here…
The following associations and charities are responsible for the project:
Samfés, the national association of social centers and youth centers in Iceland,
TUFF Ísland (Kind20) part of global charity
Tvær grímur – Félagasamtök.
Further information about the project can be obtained from
Linda Baldvinsdóttir
TUFF Ísland (KIND20) Ambassador in Iceland
Tel: 847-8150
Kierstyn Evans Global Marketing Lead Mail: kierstyn@kind20.comTel: 764-2930